
  1. 明亮, 介绍一个网站给你看看, 我个人很喜欢的, 帮大家也多看看外界人士的观点( the Oneness) .
    Teal Scott 曾经回复了一个中国人关于AURA的疑问 , 因为我翻译文笔不好, 就直接转抄了. 我想排列中不少人可能共振到了AURA的信息.
    What Is An Aura?
    -Lian Shiguo Of Beijing, China-
    Auras are essentially part of the Tulpa you. They are part of the thought form that all people are.

    An aura simultaneously contains information which it puts off, and has highly sensitive perception of information which it absorbs. You could think of it like an electromagnetic form of consciousness that both transmits and receives to and from you.

    Some people with energetic vibrations that are high enough to find resonance with thought forms can interpret them through their senses. All people have the capability of experiencing auras. They exist around all things. The aura is a more expansive part of you than your physical body. This electromagnetic energy field is constantly lending to as well as emanating from your physical body and to anything you interact with in the physical.

    Auras can be interpreted as having different sounds, sizes, shapes, patterns, textures and colors. They vary greatly in color in terms of hue and value. The aura colors are perceived because the distribution of light particles versus the wavelength in an electromagnetic field varies greatly and is therefore perceived differently by the human eye. Any or all of these characteristics of an aura can tell a practitioner of energy work what areas need to be focused back into a beneficial resonance. They can tell a nearly complete story of who you are.

    Your aura will respond to the thoughts you are thinking and change its characteristics to match that thought. If you are thinking a negative thought with enough regularity, it will show up in this “thought form” first, and then it will show up in your physical body.

    You could think of your aura as the visible blueprint mirroring the thoughts you are thinking and the thoughts that lead to your identity in this moment. This includes attitudes, memories, beliefs, experiences etc., basically anything this life, as well as past lives, have caused you to become.

    It is the blueprint for the building of the physical you.
    At our most fundamental level, we are all energy. This energy expresses itself in many different ways, but it always has been, always is, and always will be, the same energy. This means that the most fundamental truth in this universe is the truth of “oneness”.
    And it is because of this oneness that your own individual health, freedom and happiness are of such paramount importance to everything else that is. May you come to know, what a vital component of this universe you really are.