第5472条留言 来自 深圳 的 留言者:忠正
《中国未派代表出席日本原子弹爆炸纪念活动》2012年8月7日 06:53
On February 26, 2012, a daughter had soulforce medicine constellations treatment conducted for her father’s lung cancer. It was shown that after the U.S. threw atomic bombs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on August 6 and 9, 1945, on August 17, the radioactive pollutants floated to China. In the later ten years, number of dead people in China exceeded the number of dead people in Japan, and almost each family had person passing away. However, common people did not know that it was caused by the radioactive pollutants of the explosion of the atomic bomb, and they just thought that it was because of pestilence. When China had the smallest population, it was only 0.4 billion. Looking back and think, it was such, people often died for no reason during the war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and in the early stage after the People’s Republic of China, and that was caused by the radioactive pollutants of the explosion of the atomic bomb thrown by the U.S. Let’s look at the map, Nagasaki is in the west coast of Japan, nearest to China, and the U.S. threw atomic bomb to Nagasaki, the biggest victim was finally China. When China was celebrating for the surrender of Japan, nobody knew that the disaster of the atomic bomb came to China. After that, nobody knew it, and it is the soulforce medicine constellations that disclosed it. Through the soulforce medicine constellations, it was shown that August 17, 1945 is the National Calamity Day of China. This is case 369 of the soulforce medicine constellation.
我正在就1945年原子弹爆炸影响中国一事向美国政府联系中,让他们正视这个问题,英文资料已经翻译好。这是在灵排中发现的。 忠正