第4925条留言 来自 昆明 的 留言者:yogacat
自从“小房子”这个专用的经文组合名称出现在个案和解中,就陆续有代表出现了意见分歧。其实“小房子”只是另一个简单方法,适用于自己在家,平时对冤亲进行超度。类似的超度方法当然不止一个,比如,更广为人知的是念诵地藏经。意见大的代表,大约是期望老师能导入“小房子”的方法,以达到自己理想的状态。而老师一再强调的,是避免用“小房子”这个词,因为咋一听上去,多数人就会想到真正意义上的住的房子,这么一来,信息受就到干扰了。而且上次“因果转移”的个案,实在让人倒吸一口气。灵排只是工具,呈现”因”的方面,相信所有代表都很明白确信了;但化解这个“因”,实际是导师引领案主去做,导师理应不去奢望更多,而只是尊重圣灵的要求,满足其要求即可。倘若案主本人事后有意愿,要进行更高处理,比如超度到天上等等,那完全是案主的个人事务,和灵排不再相关。近来所谓的内部争论,焦点就是集中在了“导师如何更好的对结果进行处理”上面,而其实老师也已讲得明白,即:尊重圣灵的要求,是顺着道走,大家都是安全的;而一有圣灵呈现,就用超度的做法,就具有危险性,很可能卷入别人的业力之中。以上唠叨,仅仅希望受此影响的亲们能消除误会,别无它意。 鞠躬!
Karma means the actions that we perform. We cannot be without karma even for a second, even breathing is karma. Any action like thinking, speaking and activities we do outside are called karma. When we think, speak and do good, we make good Karma. When we think bad, speak bad and do wrong actions, actions which hurt others we make bad karmas. We have to bear the fruits of karmas that we do. Result of bad karma is unhappiness and result of good karma is happiness.
There are three kinds of karma sukarma (good karma), vikarma (bad karma) and akarma (no karma).
Unhappiness can come to us in any form eg illness, financial loss, mental tension, bad reputation, obstacles, people speaking badly,death of loved one etc.
Similarly happiness also can come in many ways eg good health, good children, success, good reputation, respect and love of family and friends, good trip etc.
We are free in performing actions but we are not free in bearing the fruits of our actions. How, when and where we will bear what fruit we do not know. Thats why we say be very watchful and careful what you think, speak and do.
Karmas become our destiny. Past karmas are our present destiny and present karma will become our future destiny. So we are the maker of our destiny. This is universal law. If we do 5 good karma and 2 bad karma, we cannot subtract and say we have 3 good karma in our account. we will have to bear the fruits of 5 good karma and 2 bad karma.
“Depending on this difference in Karma appears the differences in the birth of beings, high and low, base and exalted, happy and miserable. Depending on the difference in Karma appears the difference in the individual features of beings as beautiful and ugly, high-born or low born, well-built or deformed. Depending on the difference in Karma appears the difference in worldly conditions of beings, such as gain and loss, and disgrace, blame and praise, happiness and misery.”